Who's Using CatholicBrain?
What is CatholicBrain?
CatholicBrain.com is an innovative online platform that engages, educates, and inspires young Catholics and families. With a rich library of faith-based content, curriculum, video lessons, eBooks, interactive games, quizzes, and more, CatholicBrain aims to make learning about the Catholic faith fun, accessible, and meaningful for children aged Pre-K through 8th grade. We support parents, teachers, and catechists in children's faith education, reinforcing Catholic values and teachings in an engaging digital environment.
What is Included?
You get unlimited access to the USCCB-approved Adventure Catechism curriculum, First Communion & Confirmation Program, Confirmation Program, Catholic Bible Storybook, Advent & Lent Program, Daily & Weekly Activities featuring daily readings, saint of the day, and weekly mass activities, lesson plans for teachers, catechist & parents, student progress report & tracking and much more!
What People Are Saying about CatholicBrain
"I used the Lenten Resources provided by CatholicBrain and found it very useful, especially with my kindergarten class."
Sister Evelyn Marita Figueroa, CSFN Alpha House Nursery and Kindergarten
"I highly recommend CatholicBrain as an outstanding resource for primary and intermediate aged children to come to know and love Jesus, and His Catholic Church."
Jim Gontis, Director. Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, Diocese of Harrisburg
"CatholicBrain is an invaluable tool aimed to broaden students' understanding and passion for the Catholic faith."
Ferri Krissy, 5th grade teacher, StMark Catholic School
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is included in the CatholicBrain free trial?
The CatholicBrain free trial offers complete access to our platform for a limited period, allowing users to explore and utilize all our resources without any restrictions. This includes access to our USCCB-approved curriculum, a comprehensive library of religious education videos, games, quizzes, and lesson plans designed to make learning about the Catholic faith engaging and accessible for children and students of all ages.
2. How long does the free trial last?
Our free trial lasts 11 days, starting when you sign up. During this period, you'll have full access to all the features and content available on CatholicBrain, allowing you and your learners to fully explore our platform's benefits.
3. Do I need to provide a credit card to sign up for the free trial?
Yes, you do need to provide a credit card to start your free trial on CatholicBrain. You can cancel anytime before the free trial ends.
4. What happens when my free trial ends?
When your free trial ends, you can subscribe to one of our plans to continue enjoying full access to CatholicBrain. If you choose not to subscribe, your account will be converted to a basic membership, which allows limited access to some of our content and features.
5. Can I cancel my free trial?
Yes, you can cancel your free trial any time during the trial period. If you decide CatholicBrain is not the right fit for you, you can go to your account settings and follow the instructions for cancellation. So that you know, you won't be charged.

Give CatholicBrain a Try
Fill out the form below, or call 469-416-4942 and talk to one of our Faith Formation Specialists.